
A WANDErlust: Navigating the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

how I see it

Write down your vision and make it clear.

That is what I discovered as the lifestyle of a digital nomad. A digital nomad isn’t confined to one lifestyle, it can be specifically tailored to your way of living but in another location. Though I prefer a simple, slow living style it is possible to upscale your work-life balance too.

However, I’m here to talk about the simple way of living as a digital nomad travel advisor. What is that? An entrepreneur who digitally works for themselves while gathering knowledge of international hospitalities, boutique businesses, and communities.

TO sum it up, if you work for yourself or remotely for a company… you can plant anywhere and explore while working and upholding your responsibilities.

How it Started

As few may know, I quit corporate in 2022, took a sabbatical, started to work for myself, and experienced a major shift. I was led to start my digital nomadic journey by faith in Europe mid 2023. At the time I didn’t know how I would be helping others with no plan for even myself. I had three suitcases, a dollar, and a dream. Granted, I still have my investments to start with as my ‘work’ but even then, I was starting completely new.

Once I was planted in the countries God led me to serve in communities to help with their digital avenues and goals including social media strategy, leadership courses, photography, and videography. Most of my experience upskilled in communities and small business owners looking to bridge the gap or add more hands to their rapidly expanding business. To be honest, I learned more diving into my creative skills and business, than I did ten years in corporate but my skills transitioned beautifully.

How I Manage

The best blessing was already being set up before being launched out. I took what I built in the last ten years and restructured it to fuel my travel for the next couple of years. The best and easiest way to start a digital travel journey is to have your company pay for it. But, as an entrepreneur, you bring your work, knowledge, money, and willpower with you + bet on yourself while doing your remote work in a unfamiliar place.

I was also able to minimize the amount of work I do and scale my business into multiple streams of income. When you are location-independent you have to travel smart – build the foundation first and bring that same mindset with you. Now, granted I am out here moving in faith and God has shown up for me at the last hour on places to stay, people to meet, and new businesses to birth but I kept the business mindset and HIS foundation alive to be able to scale and add to my freelance lifestyle.

How can I start?

The same way you plan your escape from your everyday responsibilities is the same way you start your travel journey. If you have a destination in mind, that is half the battle. You already have the flexibility and freedom to stay for some time. Planning only 3 months at a time will keep you sane. I have not stayed in one country for more than 3 months. Now, all you have to do is plan. If you don’t like to organize or have the time before you go, I can help you start with a travel journal that narrows down your budget, packing list, experiences, and calendar.

The digital nomad lifestyle has gained popularity in recent years due to advances in technology, which have made remote work more accessible and the world more interconnected. However, it comes with its own set of challenges, including the need for self-discipline, managing time zones, and ensuring a stable internet connection. Despite these challenges, many individuals find the digital nomad lifestyle appealing because it offers a balance between work and travel, allowing them to explore the world while earning a living.

But if it all sounds too stressful to research and start, I am always here to guide and suggest the best places.

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